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12349 Psychobiology of Ageing - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Lecturers in charge
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Lectures and practical video sessions
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Final examination - -
Austad, S.N. (1998). Por qué envejecemos. Paidós contextos. Barja, G. (1998). El problema del envejecimiento. Akal.
1. Introduction 2. Cellular aging. Theories on aging. 3. Sleep rhythms in the aging process. 4. Nutrition and aging 5. Cerebral aging and cognitive changes associated with aging. 6. Physical activity and aging 7. Pathological aging. 8. Centennials and longevity. 9. Anti-aging substances and interventions: A critical vision 10. Satisfactory aging: an integrative perspective 11. Practical activities. OBJECTIVE: To provide basic knowledge of psycho-biological studies on the aging process.