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12319 Opinion Surveys and Studies - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Behavioral Sciences Methodology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
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Lectures and practical group activities.
Met. Avaluació
Project work - -
Dillman, D.A. (2000) Mail and Internet surveys: The tailored desig method. New York: John Willey. Edwards, J.E., Thomas, M.D., Rosenfeld, P. Y Booth-Kewley, S. (1997). How to conduct Organizational surveys. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
1. Introduction 2. Survey design. 3. Sampling. 4. Collection methods. 5. Response figures. 6. Data process and analysis. 7. Interpretation and presentation of results. OBJECTIVES: To offer theoretical-practical formation on investigation by means of surveys in psychology. Survey design, identification, quantification, statistical analysis and report elaboration.