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12313 Delinquency: Family and Other Social Areas - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Basic Psychology
Lecturers in charge
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Lectures and practical activities.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Cantero, M.J., Cerezo, M.A. (2001). Interacción madre-hijo como predictora de conductas de apego: Evaluación de los modelos causales infancia y aprendizaje, 93-113/132. Echeburúa, E., De corral, E.P. (1998): Manual de violencia familiar. Madrid: Siglo XXI
1. Antisocial behavior: introductory study. 2. Continuity aspects of antisocial behavior. 3. Conceptual outline for antisocial and criminal behavior study. 4. Social information processing. 5. Models of social interaction. 6. Attachment patterns and their relationship with social knowledge. 7. Other relationship spheres: siblings. 8. Humanitarian contexts. 9.Practical activities. OBJECTIVES: To provide students with current knowledge and concepts on antisocial and criminal behavior and basic psychological processes.