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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12298 Management Mathematics - Three-year degree in Business Sciences

Faculty of Economics
Business Mathematics
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
A modular exam and a final examination will realize in the programmed dates par the Diplomatura in Managerial Sciences. Coordinator: Rosa Bombín
Met. Avaluació
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Alegre, Et Al. (1995) Matemáticas Empresariales. Colección Plan Nuevo. Ed. Ac. Alegre, Et. Al (1991). Ejercicios Resueltos de Matemáticas Empresariales. Ed. Ac. Volumen 1 y 2
The module has as basic objective provide those knowledges of the Mathematics that, for his application to the Economy, it will be necessary to the student in the career. It is a theoretical development it will accompany of the practical corresponding contents for a better comprehension and to provide the mathematical tools that facilitate the application of the explained concepts. 1. The space vectorial R 2. Linear applications 3. Real functions of several variables 4. Directional derivatives. Differential. 5. Compound and homogeneous functions 6. You form cuadráticas 7. Convexity 8. Classic optimization 9. The integral defined 10. Integrals improper 11. Multiple integral 12. Differential equations For more information see www.uv.es/economia, to do click in studies, qualifications and to see programs.