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12294 Introduction to Corporate Law - Three-year degree in Business Sciences

Faculty of Economics
Mercantile Law 'Manuel Broseta Pont'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The evaluation will consist of passing a theoretical written examination. Class assistendance and participation activates in the groups of practices. Coordinator: Jose Luis Sáchez Moliner
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
INTRODUCClóN AL DERECHO MERCANTIL, Francisco Vicent Chuliá, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, COMPENDIO CRITICO DE DERECHO MERCANTIL,Francisco Vicent Chuliá,LIBRERIA BOSCH.IL tomos.
The program tries to introduce the student to the basic mercantile elementary knowledge of the institutions and legislation that regulate the managerial activity. Program of the subject: - Introduction to the Law: Topic 1. - The businessman and the company: topic 2 - Mercantile record of accounting. Topic 3. - Mercantile societies. Topic 4 - The anonymous society. Topic 5 - Organization of the anonymous society. Topic 6 - The society of limited responsibility. Topic 7 - Social modifications and extinction of the capitalist societies. Topic 8 - Obligations and contracts. Topic 9 - Mercantile contracts. Topic 10,11,12 - Titles value. Topics 13 and 14 - Law Concursal. Topic 15