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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12290 Computer Science Applied to Business Administration - Three-year degree in Business Sciences

Faculty of Economics
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
We are a sequential organization of study sessions of each block of topic. First time basic concepts are presented. Later contents with guided trainings are expanded. Finally students will accomplish the programmed job, exclusively on time of study sessions.
Met. Avaluació
A final test will be realized on official examination calls.The qualification is as a result of a weighted average of all blocks. Furthermore,the continuous evaluation kept by the professor will be carefully considered,taken into account the assistance and the active teamwork of the student.
Casas, J., Casas, J. y Paz, F: (1998). Office 2000. Editorial Anaya Multimedia. Madrid.
De Pablos, C.; Izquierdo, V.; López-Hermoso, J.J.; Martín-Romo, S.; Montero, A. y Nájera, J.J. (2001). Dirección y Gestión de los Sistemas de Información en la Empresa. ESIC editorial. Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid.
García, F., Chamorro, F. Y Molina, J. M: (2000). Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información. McGraw Hill. Madrid
López-Hermoso, J.J., Montero A., Martín-Romo S., De Pablos C., Izquierdo V.M. y Nájera J.J. (2000). Informática aplicada a la gestión de empresas. ESIC editorial. Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid.
Rifkin, Jeremy (2000): La era del acceso: la revolución de la nueva economía.Paidós Ibérica. Barcelona.
Contents are proposed since a pragmatic approach into three big blocks or sections.

Section 1:Basic topics of information and communication technologies used by the
Use modalities of the resources. Local area networks designs. Client-server architecture designs. Intranet. Wide area networks. Internet.

Section 2: Software tools and management application programs:
Spreadsheets. Data base managing systems. Word processor programs. Application programs about accounting and financial control, shopping management and warehouse, commercial and customers, and human resources management. Computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Other applications.

Section 3: Culture and Information system into the enterprise:
The information system department. Consulting and external professionals on ICT. Outsourcing and virtual organizations. Communications among organizations systems. E-business.
Security, integrity and confidentiality of the information. Piracy and fraud. Information system audit.
The information systems development process. Cycle of live of the software. Strategical, tactical and transactional information systems into the enterprise. Executive information Systems (EIS), Management Information Systems (MIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS). Expert systems and knowledge based systems, datawarehouse and data mining.

We introduce at the student into basic concepts of the Computer Science concerning at management, and we offer him/her know some applications usually used for the enterprise.
Information and communication technologies are fundamental tools, which affect seriously the management and the enterprise strategy. That's why we are unfolding a practice plan subject, arranged in three important blocks.
We pretend offer a sufficient user knowledge level to understand the role of the new information and communication technologies in the enterprise management.
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