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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12277 Spanish and Valencian Economy - Three-year degree in Business Sciences

Faculty of Economics
Economic Structure
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Lessons will be based on the professor's explanations and the reading of recommended books. Seminars will be focused on the students participation, completing the theoretical concepts based on a number of cases. Course Leader: Ismael Fernández
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
García Delgado, J.L. et al. (dir.) (2002): Lecciones de Economia Española, 5ª edición, Civitas, Madrid. Lluch, E. (2003): La via valenciana, 3ª edició (Introducció i Epíleg de Vicent Soler), Afers, Catarroja.
This course aims to provide knowledge of the two more relevant economies for the Valencian students. With this course, students will get to know their closest economic environment. In this way, they will be able to analyse in-depth the features and behaviours of those economic agents that shape this economy. At the same time the module will take into account the three institutions with influence and power in Valencia: the Spanish Government, the "Generalitat Valenciana", and the EU. List of contents: A. Legal Framework Ch 1: Introduction: Growth and Structural Change B. Growth Factors Ch 2: Economy and Territory Ch 3: Public Sector Ch 4: Human Resources and Labour Market. C. Productive Sector Ch 5: Agricultural Sector Ch 6: Industrial Sector and Construction Sector Ch 7: Service Sector Ch 8: Finance Sector More information on www.uv.es/economia, then click on "estudios", "CCEMP2000-VAL", "programas de las asignaturas