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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12202 Financial Management II - Five-year degree in Business Management and Administration

Faculty of Economics
Business Finance
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Attendance to lectures and active participation in the seminars. Coordinator: Dª. Irene Ramírez Comeig
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1) BREALEY, R. y MYERS, S.: "Fundamentos de financiación empresarial". Ed. McGraw-Hill. Madrid. 1998. (Anexo: “La empresa en el sistema financiero español” Ribas, E; Montllor, J y Tarrazón, M. A.) 2) FERNÁNDEZ BLANCO, M. y otros: "Dirección Financiera de la Empresa". Ed. Pirámide. Madrid. 1992. 3) GÓMEZ ANSÓN, S., GONZÁLEZ MÉNDEZ, V. M. y MENENDEZ REQUEJO, S.: “Problemas de Dirección Financiera”. Ed. Civitas. 2000
The aim is to provide to students basic knowledges of the theory of funding: problems related to financiation of capital investments. List of contents: 1: SELF-FINANCING 2: EXTERNAL FUNDING: ACTIONS AND OBLIGATIONS 3: THE STOCK MARKET 4: MONETARY MARKETS 5: OTHER METHODS OF EXTERNAL FUNDING 6: OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 7: FINANCIAL PLANNING OF THE COMPANY For further information please check: www.uv.es/economia (Estudios, Programas)