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12180 Accounting of Legal Organisations - Five-year degree in Business Management and Administration

Faculty of Economics
Lecturers in charge
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Active participation and attendance is required. Students will complete, develop and apply the theoretical concepts through a number of cases and exercises. Course Leader: Manuel Ferrer Piqueras
Met. Avaluació
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FERRER PIQUERAS, M; MARTÍNEZ OCHOA, L; PÉREZ BENEITO, M.A.; ALONSO PASCUAL, T. (1998): Contabilidad de Sociedades, Ariel. Madrid GOXENS, M.A.; GONZÁLEZ, E.; MELUS, J.; GONZALEZ, A. 2001, Contabilidad de Sociedades. Prentice Hall, Madrid
This module deals with subjective accounting. We will study the accounting peculiarities that different business legal forms introduce into their economical information. The core of the subject is the Limited Company. List of contents: 1. Foundation of the Limited Company 2. Capital enlargements 3. Capital and Business reductions with own shares. 4. Loans and Liabilities 5. Profit & Loss application in Limited Companies 6. Liquidation of Limited Companies 7. Mergers and splits of limited companies 8. The Limited Responsability Company 9. Other kinds of companies For further information see www.uv.es/economia (Estudios, Programas)