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12164 Game Theory - European Degree in Economy (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Attendance to the theoretical classes and active participation in the groups of practices. Coordinator: Gonzalo Olcina, Vicente Calabuig, Antoni Cunyat.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Conducta estratégica y economíaö (2002) de Gonzalo Olcina y Vicente Calabuig. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. Binmore, K. (1994), Teoría de Juegos. McGraw Hill. Dixit, A. y Nalebuff, B. (1992), Pensar Estratégicamente. Antoni Bosch Editor. Gardner, R. (1996), Juegos para empresarios y economistas. Antoni Bosch Editor Gibbons, R.(1993), Un Primer Curso de Teoría de Juegos. Antoni Bosch Editor. Kreps, D. (1994), Un Curso de Teoría Microeconómica. McGraw Hill.
This course is an introducing course to present the theory to those who will later use the models of the game theory in the applied scopes of the economy. The emphasis will be put in concepts and results. Also, great part of the course will be dedicated to the accomplishment of exercises and the study of diverse applications to the economy of the explained concepts. More in particular, these applications will be as important as the theory: in each chapter two or three simple applications will be discussed. 1. Introduction. PART I: SIMULTANEOUS GAMES. 2. Simultaneous games: dominant and dominated actions. 3. Simultaneous games: the balance of Nash. 4. Population Balances. 5. Simultaneous games with incomplete information PART II: SEQUENTIAL GAMES WITH PERFECT INFORMATION 6. Sequential games with perfect information. 7. Negotiation. 8. Repeated games: the colusión. PART III: SEQUENTIAL GAMES WITH INCOMPLETE INFORMATION Or INCOMPLETE. 9. Sequential games with incomplete or imperfect information. PART IV: THEORY OF GAMES And EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATION. 10. From the Homo Economicus to the Homo Reciprocans For further information visit the web site: uv.es/economia (Estudios, Programas)