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12152 Economic Policy II - European Degree in Economy (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work. It is possible to achieve a complementary mark for completing practical elements. Coordinatorss: Antuñano Mauri, García Reche, March Poquet y Sánchez Andrés.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
García Álvarez-Coque, J.Mª.: "Política Agraria" en García Reche, A. (coord.) (2003): Política Económica. Sectorial y estructural. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. Capítulo 1.
García Reche, A y Más, F.: Los servicios y la Política Económica" en García Reche, A. (coord.) (2003): Política Económica. Sectorial y estructural. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. Capítulo 3.
Billón, M. (1995): Las políticas tecnológicas en la UE". Economía Industrial, nº4.
Tomás Carpi, J.A. (1999): "Las regiones españolas y el fomento de la competitividad" en Mella, J. (ed.) (1998): Economía y política regional en España ante la Europa del siglo XXI. Akal, Madrid.
The content is divided into 8 topics. The first two have a clearly sectoral character: the industrial, agricultural and services politics. The six remaining topics approach problems of structural character in connection with the conditions of renovation of the productive apparatus (politics of investigation, technological development and innovation), the territorial conditions of the location of the economic sectors (regional politics and infrastructures), the elimination of obstacles to free competition, the rationalization of the public sector and the necessary attention to the environment.

1. Industrial and agricultural politics.
2. Service politics.
3. investigation politics and development.
4. regional politics and local development.
5. politics of competion.
6. politics of rationalization of the public sector.
7. politics of infrastructure.
8. environmental politics.