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12150 Economic Policy of the European Union - Five-year degree in Economy

Faculty of Economics
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work. Practical participation is valued. Coordinators: J.Mª.Jordán Galduf
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
JORDÁN GALDUF, J.Mª (coordinador): Economía de la Unión Europea, Cívitas, Madrid, 2005 (5ª edición)
In this subject it is hoped to provide the student with a vision, of the main economic performance of the European Union. It is not to approach all the aspects related with the process of European integration: we will concentrate in a selective way on some of the most relevant, such as subjects of interest at the present time.

1. the institutional framework of the EU and its reformation.
2. the statute of the community budget.
3. the reality of the single market and the competition politics.
4. the unique monetary politics and coordination of the fiscal politics.
5. the European strategy for employment.
6. the commercial politics and cooperation for development.
7. the common agricultural politics.
8. regional politics and cohesion.
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