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12133 Introduction to Economic Policy - European Degree in Economy (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work. Coordinator: Emèrit Bono Martínez
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
ARIAS.X.C. (1996): La formación de la Política Económica. Ed. Civitas. Parte I y II.
ALT, J.E. Y ALESINA, A. (2001): Economía Política: una visión general. Libro de Goodin y Klingenman (eds): Nuevo Manual de Ciencia Política
BESSIS, S.: Occidente y los otros. Ed. Alianza. Cap. 9, pags. 193-229
DANOLO, C. (1999): ¿Cómo gobernar mañana? Ed. Galaxia-Gutemberg. Cap. 3 y 7
This subject offers the students a previous focus of Economic Politics to the economic analysis that will be carried out in Economic Politics's subjects I and II". In this Introduction he/she will try to offer the idea of Economic Politics's from the perspective of the institutions, the mark it makes will be analyzed it with regard to the process of political elaboration.Fundamental actors will be analysed such as: the government. The object of this Introduction will be the concrete analysis of the operation of some institutions with practical examples of what will be explained in the theoretical classes.

1. the process of elaboration of economic politics in a democratic society.
2. the law of the institutions in economic politics's elaboration.
3. globalization, international institutions and economic growth.
4. you question referred to the governality.
5. some institutions for a good government.