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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12129 Introduction to Economics - Three-year degree in Business Sciences

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
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Assesment will be done through a final written exam that implies the bulk of the total final mark. Continuos assesment and active participation in classes may give part of the final mark.
The course is designed to use the following handbook:
MANKIW, N.G.: Principles of Economics. Ed Thomson. Fourth Edition, 2007.
1. Basic Principles of Economics.
2. Demand and Supply.
3. Elasticity and its Applications.
4. Production and Costs.
5. Firms in Competitive Markets.
6. Monopoly and other Non-Competitive Markets.
7. The Macroeconomic Data.
8. Aggregate Output, Growth and Employment.
9. Saving, Investment and the Financial System.
10. The Monetary System.
11. Aggregate Demand and Supply. The Economic Cycle.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students into the study and understandingo of the economy, providing them with the analitical tools and with the basic concepts of economics. The course will promote the students' ability to analyse the economic reality.
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