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12124 Economic History of Spain (20th Century) - Five-year degree in Economy

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work. To pass the practical aspect, the student must also hand up a project. Coordinator: Antonio Cubel Montesinos
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
J.P. Fusi y J.Palafox, España, 1808-1996. El desafío de la modernidad, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1997.Capítulos 5, 7, 9 y 10.
García Delgado, J. L. y Jiménez, J. C. (1999): Un siglo de España. La Economía. Marcial Pons, Madrid.
García Delgado, J. L. (1993): España. Economía, (edición aumentada y actualizada), Espasa Calpe, Madrid.
Nadal, J.; Carreras, A. y Sudrià, C. (eds.) (1987): La economía española en el siglo XX. Una perspectiva histórica, Ariel, Barcelona.
G. Tortella, El desarrollo de la España contemporánea. Historia económica de los siglos XIX y XX, Madrid, Alianza, 1994. Capítulos IX-XVI.
Topic 1. The Spanish economy in the long term: a comparative perspective
Topic 2. The Spanish economy from end of the XIX century until the
First World War(1891-1914)
Topic 3. Modernization and crisis in the interwar period (1918-1936)
Topic 4. The first francoism (1936-1959)
Topic 5. Stabilization and economic growth (1959-1975)
Topic 6. economic Crisis and industrial recovery (1975-1990)
The subjet "ECONOMIC HISTORY OF SPAIN (XX CENTURY )" constitutes a course directed to reflect on the causes of the delay and the determining factors of the process of growth of the Spanish economy throughout the XX century . This subjet is oriented to students who are in the second cycle of the degree in Economy, and that, with basic theoretical knowledge on his operation, they want to know and to reflect on the trajectory followed by the Spanish economy throughout the present century.
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