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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12114 Business Strategies - European Degree in Business Administration (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Professors will explain the concepts included in the program. In the sessions for cases, the students will analyze and give solutions to excercices and case studies from different firms. The students will find all the required materials in the "aula virtual"
Met. Avaluació
Final examination 70%.
Assessment of the work on case studies sessions 30% (an exam will apply for those that have not passed this part)
It is possible to present an additional voluntary work that will add a maximum of 1,5 points on the students' final vote.
Grant, R. (1996): Dirección Estratégica, Civitas, Madrid.
Johnson, G. y Scholes, K. (2001): Dirección Estratégica, 5ª Edición, Prentice Hall, Madrid.
Menguzzato, M. y Renau, J. J. (1991; 1995): La Dirección Estratégica de la empresa. Un enfoque innovador del management, Ariel, Barcelona.
Navas,J. E. y Guerras,L. A. (2002): La Dirección Estratégica de la empresa, Civitas, Madrid.
Strategor (1995): Estrategia, estructura, decisión, identidad, Biblio Empresa, Barcelona.
PART I - Introduction
Unit 1 - Designing the Strategy of the firm.
PART II - Corporate Strategic Options
Unit 2 - Specialization vs. Strategic Diversification
Unit 3 - Internationalization
PART III - Instrumental strategic options
Unit 4 - Modes of strategic development
PART IV - Competitive strategic options
Unit 5 - Competitive strategies.
To acquire the necessary knowledge to define the strategic options to be followed by the firm within the framework of its Strategic Management. To understand the foundations of this subject, as well as the decisions related to the options of the managerial reality.
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