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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12103 Economy of the Valencian Country - European Degree in Economy (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Economic Structure
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Lluch, E. (2003): La via valenciana, 3ª edició, Afers, Catarroja, (amb ôIntroduccióö i ôEpílegö de V. Soler).
AAVV (2001): Comunidad Valenciana, Revista Situación, serie estudios regionales, Servicio de Estudios BBVA, Madrid.
Reig, E. i Picazo, A.J. (1997): Capitalización y crecimiento de la Economia Valenciana 1955-1995, Fundación BBV, Madrid.
To deepen in the characteristics and behaviour of the economic and social agents around us as well as in the conditionants of the economic dynamics of the reality around us. Study of the activity of the three administrations with economic responsibilities in this reality: Generalitat, Spanish Government and the European Union.

Topic 1: Inroduction. The exhaustion of the pattern of growth. Topic 2: Economy and territory: physical medium and infrastructures.
Topic 3: Human resources and labour market.
Topic 4: The agrarian sector.
Topic 5: The industrial and building sectors.
Topic 6: The tertiary sector.
Topic 7: The financial system.
Topic 8: The external sector and the European Union.