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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12088 Regional Economic Analysis - European Degree in Economy (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory class attendance and practical class work in which they must also completed a project. The lecturer may also ask for an oral presentation.
Coordinator: Lorenzo Serrano Martínez
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Cuadrado, J.R., Mancha, T. y Garrido, Y. (1998): Convergencia regional en España: Hechos, tendencias y perspectivas. Fundación Argentaria-Visor Dis.
Comisión Europea (1994): Competitividad y cohesión: las tendencias de las regiones.
Goerlich, F.J. y Mas, M. (2002): La evolución económica de las provincias españolas (1955-1998), Fundación BBVA.
Krugman, P. (1994): Geografía y Comercio. Ed. Antoni Bosch, Barcelona.
Krugman, P. y Obstfeld, N. (1995): Economía Internacional. McGraw-Hill.
It is intended that the program will have the following characteristics:
to) a reduced group of basic and relevant problems at the present time, with the intention that the duration of the course will allow them to study all of them at an appropriate level.
b) available text books that exhibit the concepts and models combined with an upgraded presentation of the problems. For this reason, the students will be given some basic readings for each topic that will offer, appropriate information combined with the class notes, which will prove indispensable materials for the development of the course.
c) they are facilitated, also, with a series of complementary readings, of specific interest for the different topics, mainly to understand the data and more current discussions.
d) the orientation of the theoretical module toward relevant regional problems and the solution of these problems in the practical classes.

Topic 1.-economy and economic areas.
Topic 2.-the localization of productive activities
Topic 3.-mobility of factors
Topic 4.regional growth
Topic 5.regional inequalities
Topic 6 - Regional policy.
Topic 7.-the evaluation of regional policy