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12084 Precautionary Guardianship -

Faculty of Law
Administrative and Procedural Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Bibliografía básica:
ORTELLS RAMOS, M., MASCARELL NAVARRO, M.J., CÁMARA RUIZ, J., JUAN SÁNCHEZ, R., BONET NAVARRO, J., BELLIDO PENADÉS, R., CUCARELLA GALIANA, L., MARTÍN PASTOR, J., Derecho Procesal Civil, Editorial Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2003, 4ª edición, capítulos 36 y 37.

Bibliografía complementaria:
DE LA OLIVA SANTOS, A., DÍEZ-PICAZO GIMÉNEZ, I., VEGAS TORRES, J., Derecho Procesal Civil. Ejecución forzosa y procesos especiales. Editorial CERA, Madrid, 2000 o posterior, parágrafo 68.
ORTELLS RAMOS, M., Las medidas cautelares, Editorial La Ley, Madrid, 2000

The objective of the course is that the students will acquire an appropriate level of knowledge on legal preventative measures in general and, especially with regard to matters of private law.
This is a form of legal protection aimed to counteract the risk of ineffectivenss that may arise during the declaration process, and which offers a threat to the legal procedure.
With regard to their legal organisation they are two classes of norms:
1ª) Those that govern the competition, special requirements of the entities or of the procedural acts in general, the procedure for the resolution of the precautionary measure and their relationships with the main process.
2ª) The norms that govern the jurisdictional caution, that is to say, they determine which are the areas that should converge so that he/she can prepare a precautionary measure whose content and effects are configured by those same norms. In preventive jurisdictional matters, the procedural norms are not limited to regulating how you arrive at the resolution and the requirements of them varies, instead they regulate the content of the resolution, the trial and the estimate of the expenses.

- Legal cautionary measures
- The precautionary measures (I).
- The precautionary measures (II). -
- Jurisdiction and competition. - -
- The procedure for the resolution on in case of cautionary measures
- Relationship between caution system and th