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12080 Nationality and Foreign Residence Legal System - Five-year degree in Law

Faculty of Law
International Law 'Adolfo Miaja de la Muela'
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
The subject comprises both theoretical and practical lectures, in order to give the most precise view possible. This will enable the best training for the student.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- ALVAREZ RODRIGUEZ, A.: "Guia de la nacionalidad española", Madrid, 1997.
- V.V.A.A.: "Legislacion sobre nacionalidad", Madrid, 2003. Ed. Tecnos.
- ESPLUGUES MOTA, C., PALAO MORENO, G, y DE LORENZO SEGRELLES, M.: "Nacionalidad y extranjeria", Valencia, 2002. Ed. Tirant lo Blanc.
- LOPEZ-MUÑIZ GOÑI, M.: "La nueva Ley de extranjeria. Guia practica y jurisprudencia". Madrid, 2001. Ed. Colex.
- MOYA ESCUDERO, M. (Coord.): "Comentario sistematico a la Ley de Extranjeria", Granada, 2002. Ed. Comares.
Nationality Laws is a section of the legal system that regulates the way towards the assignation and acquisition of the Spanish nationality, its conservation, loss and recovery, as well as the situations of double nationality or lack of nationality. At the same time, the foreign affairs Laws compile the rights of foreigners in Spain, their entrance, permanency and departure from the national territory, as well as the applicable sanction system. The notions of national and foreigner are relative- one is defined as opposed to the other. This determines a handful of different rights and duties. Appart from its being closely related to international private Laws, this subject is also related to Civil Laws by means of nationality, and to Administrative, Labour and Constitutional Laws by means of foreign affairs. The aim of this subject is to allow the student to solve those cases relative to the Spanish nationality, analyzing both the current legislation and the legislation at the time considered, as well as defining the different circumstances a foreign citizen might find himself in while in our country û the legal system applicable, the permits he can ask for, the possible infractions, as well as the sanctions that can be imposed upon him. SYLLABUS CHAPTER I. SPANISH LAWS FOR NATIONALITY. 1. NATIONALITY AND THE NATIONALITY LAWS. 2. ACQUISITION OF THE SPANISH NATIONALITY. 3. ACQUISITION OF THE SPANISH NATINALITY (II) 4. LOSS AND RECOVERY OF THE SPANISH NATIONALITY. 5. C