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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12065 Introduction to Procedural Law -

Faculty of Law
Administrative and Procedural Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bibliografía básica para el desarrollo y estudio de la asignatura es:

MONTERO AROCA, J./GOMEZ COLOMER, J.L./ MONTÓN REDONDO, A./BARONA VILAR, S., Derecho Jurisdiccional I, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2003.

ORTELLS RAMOS, M., CÁMARA RUIZ, J. y JUAN SÁNCHEZ, R., Derecho Procesal. Introducción, Punto y Coma, Valencia, 2003.

Bibliografía complementaria, que puede servir para ayudar a ampliar y profundizar la misma:

DE LA OLIVA, A./DIEZ PICAZO, I., Derecho Procesal Civil, Madrid, Editorial Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2002.

BARONA VILAR, S., Solución extrajurisdiccional de conflictos, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 1999.

OBJECTIVES: The general objective to be attained within the subject Introduction to Proceedural Law is the acquisition of basic knowledge to do with structural trilogy on which General Theory of Proceedural Law is based. a) in the first place, it is sought to introduce juridicial-proceedural concepts that respond to a complete and organized proceedural system, constitutional and legal readings of these concepts in general, and from this basis an itemized study of the principles of this proceedural system. It is sought to obtain a reference mark for the interpretation of the applicable and diverse methods analysed under Proceedural Law which will be studied to a further extent in following courses. b) b) The study of the jurisdiction, analyzing the Judicial Power and their political principles, the tribunals, the jurisdictional function, the General Council of the Judicial Power, the judicial organization and competition. c) The analysis of legal action, referred essentially to the development of legal protection. d) The study of the process, its nature and structure, especially analyzing the principles of the process, the proceedure and its acts. e) Finally, a development of the historical fact that show us evolution of the discipline and transports us to the present and almost into the future.