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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12054 Philosophy of Law -

Faculty of Law
Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
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Final examination - -
ALEXY, Robert, Teoría de la argumentación, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1994
BALLESTEROS, J., Sobre el sentido del Derecho. Introducción a la Filosofía jurídica, Madrid, Tecnos, 2001
BALLESTEROS, J., Postmodernidad: decadencia o resistencia, Madrid, Tecnos, 2000.
OLLERO, Andrés, ¿Tiene razón el derecho?, Madrid, Congreso de los Diputados, 1996.
PÉREZ LUÑO, A.E, La seguridad jurídica, Barcelona, Ariel 1991
RODRIGUEZ MOLINERO, Marcelino, Introducción a la Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad Complutense, 2000
Faced with the sectoral focus of other juridical disciplines, the philosophy of Law seeks to offer the student a general and global focus on the Law. It is not simply to describe the law, but to give an ulterior reflection of its meaning. .To understand that
law is a human reality to which the reference to ends and values of the individual is fundamental. They endow it with a deep anthropological and existential meaning. Using these means it is sought to base the structural character of the law as non discriminational and non violent.