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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12053 Political Economics and Public Treasury - Five-year degree in Law

Faculty of Law
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
MANKIW, N.G. Principios de Economía, McGraw-Hill
FISHER, S. Y DORNBUSCH, r. Macroeconomia. McGraw-Hill
LIPSEY,R.G.: Introducción a la Economía Positiva. Vicens-Vives.
MOCHON,F.: Economía, Teoría y Política. McGraw-Hill.
PINDYCK, R y RUBINFELD, D. Microeconomía. Prentice-Hall
PARKIN, M: Microeconomía. Addison Wesley
The aim is to present a general, basic and base on economic principles, trying to present the subject in a balanced way, not only in the development of the foundations of market economy but also in those not resolved through the markets, especially in the environment of the public sector. Stress has been place on to the student the necessary analytic instruments to be able to persevere and advance later on the study and knowledge of the different elective specialties that this educational unit offers at the present time, and try to specify the relationships that there are between the Economy and Law, endowing the future jurist with an essential formation for its professional development. According to this, the offered subjects are: Law econonic analysis, Public Treasury economy, and Introduction to European Union Economy.