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12044 Criminal Law I -

Faculty of Economics
Criminal Law
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
1. Manuales. -CARBONELL MATEU, Juan Carlos: Derecho penal: concepto y principios constitucionales, 3ª ed., Tirant lo Blanch alternativa, Valencia, 1999.

-COBO DEL ROSAL/VIVES ANTÓN: Derecho penal Parte General, 5ª ed., Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1999.

-MUÑOZ CONDE/GARCÍA ARÁN: Derecho Penal Parte General, 5ªed. (reimpresión)., Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2002.

-QUINTERO OLIVARES, Gonzalo: Manual de Derecho penal, Parte general, 3ª ed., Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2002.

2. Obras de referencia.

-QUINTERO OLIVARES (DIR) Y OTROS: Comentarios al nuevo Código penal, 2ª ed., Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2001.

-VIVES ANTÓN (COORD.) Y OTROS, Comentarios al Código penal de 1995, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1996.

The final objective of all teaching aims to transmit and communicate a set of knowledge; in our discipline, that of a series of basic conceptual instruments that, once applied to the concrete crimes (the object of study of the Special Part of the penal Right), they will allow the student, in definitive, to face the resolution of the suppositions of the susceptible real life of juridical-penal qualification.

The learning of all these concepts is divided into three parts or blocks of topics:

1) the first part (that comprises the topics 1 to 4) has a more introductory character, and studies the actual concept of penal Right, it concentrates on what functions it satisfies (by means of the instrument of the criminal sentence), of the general principles that limit it (derived from the Constitution) and of the validity of the penal norms.

2) the second part (topics 5-20) constitutes the really central block of the subject, the so-called artificial theory of the crime": it is here where the different elements are studied that compose the criminal fact (action, antijudicial, guilt), the circumstances that modify responsibility of whoever carries out the action (extenuating circumstances and added difficulties), the stages in which it can be made (only attempted or accomplished), the ways in which a subject can intervene (author in strict sense, inducer, cooperative necessary, accomplice), his relationship with other crimes commited by the sam