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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12036 International Private Law -

Faculty of Economics
International Law 'Adolfo Miaja de la Muela'
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Basically practical teaching, with theoretical and practical classes. Classes dialogued with the students.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, S., ESPLUGUES MOTA, C. y otros, Legislacion de Derecho Internacional Privado, Granada, Comares, 5ª ed., 2003.
- BORRAS MORENO, A., BOUZA VIDAL, N. y otros, Legislacion basica de Derecho Internacional Privado, Madrid, Tecnos, 13ª ed., 2003.
- ABARCA JUNCO, P. y otros, Derecho internacional privado, Madrid, UNED (vol. I, 3ª ed., 2001, vol. II, 9ª ed., 2000).
- FERNANDEZ ROZAS, J.C. y SANCHEZ LORENZO, S., Derecho internacional privado, Madrid, Civitas, 2ª ed., 2001.
The private international Law constitutes a sector of the juridical classification whose object is the regulation of the international private juridical situations. This is referred to those situations that present a foreign affairs element. The national legislator, aware of the peculiarities presented by the situations with foreign affairs elements, designs a sector of the classification specifically dedicated to approach and solve these questions. Private international Law shares the national origin of the rest of juridic classification sectors and differs from them in its international object. The subject demands a special attitude of students, as far as it supposes important differences in relation to the rest of juridical disciplines studied during the university degree. Equally, it requires an advanced knowledge of Civil, Mercantile and Procedural right. Related to its objectives, the study of the discipline must allow the student, firstly, to delimit with clarity the international private juridical situations from those considered national, as an essential condition for the application of private international Right system. In second place, the student must obtain an adequate level of knowledge of the Spanish private international Right system, whether internal or institutional origin, or international. The student must be capable to approach -without problems - the daily reality, the regulation of situations with alienage elements. Students must be able not only to