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12026 Labour Law I -

Faculty of Economics
Labour and Social Security Law
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The program will be developed by means of lectures. All credits will be allocated to these lectures. Practical lessons are not programmed for this subject.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. MANUALES El Derecho del Trabajo, Tomo I (Fuentes y relaciones colectivas), Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 5ª edición, 2003, de los profesores Albiol, Camps, López Gandía y Sala, ajustándose al programa de la asignatura, lo desarrolla actualizadamente. * Alonso Olea y Casas Baamonde, Derecho del Trabajo, Edit. Civitas, Madrid.
* Martín Valverde, Rodríguez Sañudo y García Murcia, Derecho del Trabajo, Edit. Tecnos, Madrid.
* Ramírez, García Ortega, Goerlich, Pérez y Sala, Curso de Derecho del Trabajo, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.

2. TEXTOS LEGALES * Normas laborales básicas, a cargo de Albiol Montesinos (coord.) y otros. Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.

When concluding the study of Labour Laws I, the student should know: a) the sources of Labour Laws, with special mention to collective agreements. b) Collective industrial relations: trade union freedom, representation of workers in the organization, the strike, the managerial closure, institutional action, proceedures to solve industrial relations conflicts. c) performance of the Labour Administration and of the Labour Jurisdiction