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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12021 Law of Evidence - Five-year degree in Law

Faculty of Law
Administrative and Procedural Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bibliografía básica para el desarrollo y estudio de la asignatura es:

MONTERO AROCA, J., La prueba en el proceso civil, 4ª ed. Civitas, Madrid, 2002.

MONTERO AROCA, J./GOMEZ COLOMER, J.L./ MONTÓN REDONDO, A./BARONA VILAR, S., Derecho Jurisdiccional II, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2003.

Bibliografía complementaria, que puede servir para ayudar a ampliar y profundizar la misma:

ESPARZA LEIBAR. I., El dictamen de peritos en la Ley 1/2000 de Enjuiciamiento Civil, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2000.

MONTERO AROCA, J., (Director), La prueba. Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, ed. CGPJ, Madrid, 2001

ORDOÑO ARTES, C., La prueba de reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil español, Montecorvo, Madrid, 1987.


OBJECTIVES To win a case it is necessary to convince the judge or, at least to establish as certain the facts, otherwise success will not be achieved. In order to achieve this it is essential to know how to demonstrate that one is in the right from the procedural point of view. To be able to attain this, it is necessary to know the weapons that can be used in that battle and the best way of using them. It offers the means, the resources and the final test CONTENT Trial concept Objectives and themes of a trial. Characteristics of the trial Means and resources for the trial. Probatory proceedure Interrogation of witnesses. Documents Expert: Witnesses Judicial recognition: Audiovisual and IT resources Duties of the trial Value of the trial