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12014 Civil Law IV - Five-year degree in Law

Faculty of Law
Civil Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The subject Civil law IV consists of two modules, the theoretical one and the practical one, whose instruments for the transmission of the knowledge are traditionally the respective theoretical and practical classes.
Met. Avaluació
The examination will consist of two parts:
the theoretical one and another practice.1. The theoretical
examination will consist on questions of development. 2. the teacher
of each group will decide the method of evaluation of the practical
DÍEZ-PICAZO Y PONCE DE LEÓN, L., GULLÓN BALLESTEROS, A.; Sistema de Derecho Civil, vol. IV, 7ª ed., Madrid, 1997.
LLOPIS GINER, J.M, Y OTROS, Curso Básico de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones, Valencia, 2003.
LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, A., MONTÉS PENADÉS, V., ROCA TRÍAS, E.(COORD.) Y OTROS; Derecho de Familia, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1997.
MONTÉS PENADÉS, V. L. LÓPEZ Y LÓPEZ, A., ROCA TRÍAS, E.,Y OTROS: Derecho de Sucesiones, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1999.
LACRUZ BERDEJO, J. L.: Elementos de Derecho civil. Derecho de familial, IV, Barcelona, 1997
LACRUZ BERDEJO, J. L. Y OTROS; Elementos de Derecho civil, V, Derecho de sucesiones, 5ª ed., Barcelona, 1993.
1rst. Part (FAMILY) 1: Family and family right. 2. The
marriage. 3. Requirements of the marriage. 5. Personal and
patrimonial effects. 6. The nullity. 7. The separation. 8. The
dissolution of the marriage: the divorce. 9. Common effects of the
nullity, separation and divorce: a) provisional measures of the
demands of nullity, separation and divorce; b) Effects of the
judgments of nullity, separation and divorce. 10. The matrimonial
capitulations. 11. The society of joint property (I): general
notions. (II). The management of the society of joint property.
Dissolution and liquidation. 12. The regime of separation of goods
and the regime of participation. 13. The filiation. 14. Minors'
protection. The adoption. 15. The paternal - affiliated relations.
16. The tutelary institutions. 2nd. Part (SUCESSIONS) 1. The
succession in general and structure of the successor phenomenon. 2.
The dynamics of the successor process. 3. The testament. Concept and
structure. 4. The content of the testament 5. Inefficiency of the testament. The successor contracts. 6. The "legitima" in the civil code: general doctrine. 8. Calculation and imputation. 9. The preterition and the disinheritance. 10. The acquisition of the heredity. 11. The partition.
The basic aims of the subject are the following: 1st. Part
FAMILY: 1. The marriage; 2. Economic matrimonial regime, 3-Filiation;
4. Minors' protection; 5. Tutelary institutions. 2nd. Part
SUCCESSIONS: 1. The structure and dynamics of the successor
phenomenon, 2.-The testate succession; 3.-The legitimate or necessary
succession; 4. The legal succession; 5. Acquisition of the heredity;
6. Hereditary community and partition
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