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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12012 Civil Law II -

Faculty of Economics
Civil Law
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The subject lacks practical module, therefore the way used for the transmission of the knowledges, object of the Program, it will be fundamentally the theoretical class. The theoretical classes complement each other with the tutorships, where all the questions are solved to individual level.
Met. Avaluació
The examination will be written and consist of two parts: the first eliminating part in which there will appear concrete questions related to the most practical problems of the program and the second part that will consist of several questions of development.
A. LÓPEZ, V. L. MONTÉS, E. ROCA Y OTROS: Derecho civil. Derecho de obligaciones y contratos, coords. Mª R. Valpuesta Fernández y R. Verdera Server, Valencia, 2001
DÍEZ-PICAZO Y PONCE DE LEÓN, L. Y GULLÓN BALLESTEROS, A.: Sistema de Derecho civil, Volumen II, 9.ª ed., Madrid, 2001
LACRUZ BERDEJO, J. L. y OTROS:? Elementos de Derecho civil, II, vol 1.º, 3ª ed. revisada por F. RIVERO FERNÁNDEZ, Madrid, 2003.
Elementos de Derecho civil, II, vol. 2.º, nueva edición revisada por F. RIVERO FERNÁNDEZ, 2ª ed., Madrid, 2002
LASARTE ALVAREZ, C.: Principios de Derecho Civil. Derecho de Obligaciones, t. II, Madrid, 2003
PUIG FERRIOL, L., GETE-ALONSO, Mª C., GIL RODRÍGUEZ, J., HUALDE, J.J.: Manual de Derecho Civil, II, 3ª ed., Barcelona, 2000
1 ª PART (GENERAL DEL THEORY OF THE CONTRACT): 1) The contract: concept, functions and classes; 2) Essential elements of the contract; 3) Vices in the elements of the contract; 4) Formation of the contract: preliminary deals. Perfection of the contract: offer and acceptance; 5) Interpretation: legal criteria; 6) Efficiency: relativity of the contract and efficiency of the contract with regard to third parties; 7) Inefficiency: nullity, voidability and rescission; 8) Quasicontracts and unjust enrichment; 2 ª PART (CONTRACTS ESPECIALLY): 1) SALES. Perfection of the contract. Subjective and objective elements. Transmission of property. The transmission of the risks. Obligations of the buyer. Obligations of the seller: a) The delivery of the good. B) The obligation of reparation. Special dealings. 2) EXCHANGES. 3) DONATION. Perfection of the contract: the acceptance of the donee. Subjective and objective elements. Effects. Suppositions of repeal. 4) CONTRACTS OF USE AND ENJOYMENT. 5) CONTRACTS OF SERVICES. A) The contract of lease of services in the Civil Code. B) The contract of lease of work. 6) PARTNERSHIP. 7) CONTRACTS OF FUNDING. 8) CONTRACTS IN THE LITIGATION.
To understand the concept and function of the contract and of the contractual freedom; 2.-To know the historical evolution of the category of the contract and of the freedom of contracting, as well as the sense and scope of the intervention of the public power in the modern contracting; 3.-To familiarize with some basic rules of the Law of contracts and to try to give an opinion on simple cases by applying the mencioned rules; 4.- Study of the principal contractual typical figures, without prejudice of a subsequent study in the optional subject Civil Contracting
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