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12003 Public Administration Assets -

Faculty of Law
Administrative and Procedural Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -

PARADA VÁZQUEZ, RAMÓN, Derecho administrativo (Bienes públicos y urbanismo). Ed. Marcial Pons.

SÁNCHEZ MORÓN. Los bienes públicos. Ed Tecnos. 1997

BOCANEGRA, RAÚL, Lecciones de dominio público. Ed. Colex. 1999

LEYES ADMINISTRATIVAS, Ed Civitas (Ed. Preparada por Luis Martín Rebollo).

LEGISLACIÓN ADMINISTRATIVA, Ed. Tirant Lo blanc (José Mª Baño, director).

Lesson 1

The public goods in general.1. What are public goods. 2. The historical precedents: A) The old régime. B) The formation of modern theory of public goods in the French law. C) The reception of the French doctrine in the Spanish law .3. The public goods in the Constitution. A) Classes of public goods. B) The law reservation on the public goods. C) The legal determination of the goods of the state public domain: natural demanium and instrumental demanium. D). The distribution of competitions on the public goods.4. The public domain. A) Concept. B) Classes and ownership of the public domain. C) The affectation. D) demanial mutations. E) The desaffectation. 5. Hereditary goods. A) Concept and historical formation. B) Acquisition. C) Adscription D) Alienation and cession. 6. Common properties.7. The national heritage. 8. The use of public goods. A) The use of public domain goods. a) Direct use for administration. In particular the demanial reservations. b) Individual use. Common, general and special use. The restricted use. Normal and abnormal use. B) Use of patrimonial goods. C) Quite enjoyment of communal goods. 9. The régime of public goods protection. A) Protection of ownership and of public possession of goods. a) Inventory. b) Cataloguing and registration. c) The investigation faculty. d) Demarcation e) The possessory refund. f) The administrative ouster. g) Unattachability of public goods. h) The inalienability and imprescriptibility of public domai