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13503 Behaviour and Personality Disorders - Three-year degree in Special Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
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AJURIAGUERRA, J.(1976)"Manual de Psiquiatría Infantil".Toray-Masson.
AJURIAGUERRA, J. y MARCELLI, D. (1982) "Psicopatología del niño" Toray-Masson.
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. (D.S.M IV) “Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales. Masson.
CLARIZIO, H.F. y McCOY, G. (1981) "Trastornos de la Conducta del niño". Manual Moderno.
DEL BARRIO, M.V.(1984)"Temas de Psicopatología Infantil". Promolibro.
GONZÁLEZ. R (1998) "Psicopatología del niño y del adolescente". Pirámide.
LUCIANO SORIANO, MªC. (Dir.) “Manual de Psicología Clínica Infancia y Adolescencia”. Promolibro.
MILLON, T. Y Everty, G. S. (1994) "La personalidad y sus trastornos". Martínez Roca.
1.-Attention to the psychological disorders in the childhood through history. Patterns and their intervention incidence.

2.-Normality and pathology from a development perspective. Childhood common problems.

3.-Classification. Necessity and classification problems.Main types.

4. - Etiology of infant disorders. Main etiologic explanations. Psychosociological focus.

5. - Personality theories. Definitions.Childhood personality development, prevention of mature age personality disorders.

6. - Behavior disorders. Risk factors. Evaluation. Intervention.

7. - Behavior disorders in the classroom. Evaluation and intervention programs.

8. - Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.Diagnosis and
labels. Cognitive and behavioural characteristics. Intervention.

9. - Anxiety disorders in childhood. Fears and Phobias. Obsessions and
rituals. Etiology. Evaluation and Treatment.

10. - Motor disorders. Stereotypies and self-produced injuries. Tics and other nervous habits. Etiology. Evaluation and Treatment.

11. - Elimination disorders. Enuresis and Encopresis.
Etiology. Evaluation and Treatment.

12. - Childhood stress. Children's main reactions to stress. Stress and confrontation. Intervention.

13. - Autism and other deep development disorders. Early intervention
Intervention programs. Main cru