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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13235 Plastic Art Education and its Teaching - Three-year degree in Physical Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theoretical and practical explanations with support of different audiovisual methods, explanations and corrections personalized during the student's plastic realizations.
Met. Avaluació
The evaluation will be continued and based in the acquisition of the theoretical-practical knowledge of the program. It will be valued the understanding, reflection and adaptation from the concepts to the methodological proposals
ARNHEIM,R.(1973): El pensamiento visual. Eudeba, Buenos Aires.
ARNHEIM,R.(1979): Arte y percepción visual. Alianza, Madrid.
BALADA, M. y JUANOLA,R.(1987). La educación visual en la escuela. Paidós, Barcelona.
CHERRY, C. ( 1988): El arte en el niño en la edad preescolar. Ceac. Barcelona.
ESTRADA DIEZ, E. (1991): Génesis y evolución del lenguaje plástico de los niños. Mira Editores S.A. Zaragoza.
HARGREAVES, D.J. (1991). Infancia y Educación Artística. Ed. Morata, Madrid.
HUERTA, R.:(1995) Art i Educació. Ed.Universitat de València, Valencia,.
KELLOGG, R.: (1979).Análisis de la Expresión Plástica en Preescolar. Ed. Cincel, Madrid.
LOWENFIEL,R.: Desarrollo de la capacidad creadora. Kapelusz.Buenos Aires.
THEMATIC BLOCK I: The plastic language in the mark of the Artistic education.
1. perception, expression and communication
2. basic concepts: the plastic-visual alphabet
3. the image in the plastic arts and in the media
THEMATIC BLOCK II. Experimental processes
1. processes of two-dimensional plastic expression.
2. processes of three-dimensional plastic expression
3. appreciation of the plastic qualities in the artistic styles of the XX century
1. analysis of the development of the drawing of the 6 to the 12 years
2. planning of contents and activities in relation to the DCB
- To acquire the foundations of the plastic language
- To know the techniques of bi-three-dimensional plastic expression
- To appreciate the aesthetic, significant and talkative values of the works of art.
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