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13232 Teaching Physical Education - Three-year degree in Music Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
We use a methodology active. Thus, we combined the analysis and critical discussion of papers and practical examples with design the development and experiences of practical situations.The half an hour of the class are absent will be used to do some work in groups read some bibliograph tutorship ect
Met. Avaluació
Be present at class and active participation. Presentation and
overcome of practical and theory works. Overcome an exam about the course contents.
The half an hour of the class that students are absent will be used to do some work in groups, read some bibliograph, tutorship, etc
1.AAVV. (1993): Fundamentos de Educación Física para Enseñanza Primaria, Vol. I-II. Inde.Barcelona.
2.Decreto 11/2007, de 20 de julio, por el que se establece el currículo de la Educación primaria en la Comunitat Valenciana.
3.Díaz, J, (1994): El Currículo de la Educación Física en la Reforma Educativa Barcelona. Inde.
4.González Herrero, E. (coord.) (1998: Educación Física en Primaria. Fundamentación y desarrollo curricular, Vol. I-II-III-IV i V. Paidotribo. Barcelona.
5.Pieron, Maurice.(1988). Didáctica de las actividades físicas y deportivas. Gymnos.Madrid.
Real Decreto 1513/2006, 7 de diciembre, currículo E.F. en primaria.
Defining Physical Education. The Physical Education in the school
environment. Physical Education Pedagogy. Contents, activities, methods and evaluation of Physical Education in Primary Education. Programming : components i variables.

This subject program objective is to introduce the students in the design, development, and evaluation of the curriculum in Physical Education to the Primary Educational. Also its pretend the formation of reflexive and critical teachers with his/her practices
as resources for their professional development.

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