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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13218 Plastic Art Techniques in School - Three-year degree in a Foreign Languages Education (English)

Faculty of Teacher Training
Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Based in a theoretical-didactic reflection of the matter and in the elaboration of practical works.
Met. Avaluació
The evaluation will be continued and based in the acquisition of
theoretical and practical knowledge of the program
CHERRY, C. ( 1988): El arte en el niño en la edad preescolar. Ceac. Barcelona.
TORRES I TARRÉS, M. y JUANOLA I ARGEMÍ, R. (1998). Ed.Rosa Sensat, Barcelona. Dos volúmenes. TAMBIEN EN CASTELLANO:
- Dibuixar: mirar i pensar. Consideracions sobre educació artística.
- Una manera d´ensenyar arts plástiques a l´escola. 140 exercicis per a
educació infantil i primaria.
VV.AA :(1989) DISEÑO CURRICULAR BASE DE EDUCACIÓN INFANTIL y PRIMARIA Ed. Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d´Educació ,
BADÍA, MARTA. Figuras, formas, colores: propuestas para trabajar la educación
plástica y visual. (2003).
HERNÁNDEZ BELVER, NANUEL:SANCHEZ MÉNDEZ, MANUEL. Educación artística y arte infantil. (2000).
- Basic concepts
- Curricular adaptations of the plastic expression at the different educational levels
- The educational value of the plastic one in the Education
- Didactics of the Graphic Expression.
- To experience the techniques of expression plastic bi and three-dimensional.
- To elaborate curricular material and their possible solutions.
- To foment the creativity by means of the pedagogic techniques.
-To power the knowledge and use of the didactic material.
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