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13216 Genderbased Sociology: Coeducation Workshop - Three-year degree in Infant Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
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Acker, S.: Género y educación. Reflexiones sociológicas sobre mujeres, enseñanza y feminismo. Madrid, Narcea, 1995.
Apple, M.W.:
Maestros y textos. Una economía política de las relaciones de clase y de sexo en la educación. Madrid, Paidós, 1989.
Educar ôcomo Dios mandaö. Mercados, niveles, religión y desigualdad. Madrid, Paidós, 2002.
Ballarín, P.: Desde las mujeres, modelos educativos: coeducar/segregar. Granada. Univ. de Granada, 1992.
Bonal, X.: Las actitudes del profesorado ante la coeducación. Barcelona, Graó, 1997.
Bourdieu, P.: La dominación masculina. Madrid, Anagrama, 2000.
Davis, B.: Sapos y culebras: cuentos feministas. Madrid, Cátedra, 1994.
Durán, M.A.: De puertas
1. The forms of inequality in contemporary societies:
socioeconomic and cultural reproduction. Sexual division of social works.

2. The gender as analysis category in education. The feminisms:
equality seekers, socialist, radical, of the difference. Spaces,
codes and social agents by means of which we learn how to be girl/boy: family
school and media.

3. Genealogy of education of women in Spain. The school patterns:
segregated school, mixed and coeducative. Election of studies and professional itineraries.
The scientific androcenterism and their correlate in the school curriculum.

4. Analysis of specific means that contribute to the construction of the
sexual dominance in school: language, texts and didactic materials.
The possibilities of the LOGSE and the coeducative projects.