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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13209 Image Perception and Analysis - Three-year degree in Special Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theoretical classes with projection of images. Practical classes with realization of individual works and in groups. Proposals of the students' participation for the understanding of the exposed topics.
Met. Avaluació
Knowledge and assimilation of the theoretical concepts of the Program.
Realization of the correct practical works and appropriately regarding the process and to the result. Interest and participation in the learning. Attendance to class is obligatory 80% of the entirety
ARNHEIM, R. (1976): Arte y percepción visual. Eudeba. Buenos Aires.
ARNHEIM, R. (1986): El pensamiento visual. Paidós. Barcelona.
AUSTIN, J.L. ((1985): Sentido y percepción. Técnos. Madrid.
BERGER, J. (2000): Modos de ver. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
DAUD, C. (2003): Percepción visual, aprendizaje imaginativo. Intertécnica. Valencia.
DONDIS, D. (1985): La sintaxis de la imagen. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
EISNER, E. (1995): Educar la visión artística. Paidós. Barcelona.
GOMBRICH, E.H. (1979): Arte e ilusión. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.
GOMBRICH, E.H. (2003): Los usos de las imágenes. Debate. Barcelona.
PANOFSKY, E. (1979): El significado de las artes visuales. Alianza. Madrid.
ROCK, I. (1985): La percepción. Labor. Barcelona.
The perception: senses, stimuli and sensations.
Visual perception: processes and optic illusions.
Perception, image and reality.
Mental images: image mnémica, postimagen, onírica and eidética.
The visual thought: to imagine and to build.
The psychology in the way: theories of the Gestalt.
The form.
The space: representation of the objects according to their position, situation and
point of view.
The light and the light and shade.
The color: interaction and harmonies.
The artistic composition: order, balance and basic structures.
The image like expression vehicle, communication, information.
Natural, created and registered image.
Meaning and function of the image: signs, symbols and signs.
Artistic vanguards of the XX century.
Polisemia of the image: denotación and connotation.
Reading of the image: formal analysis.
Symbolic interpretation of the image.
The image like didactic resource.
To know the basic processes of the visual perception. To develop the
To analyze and to interpret the formal elements of the artistic composition and those
talkative qualities of the image.
To know the functions of the image in their different ones
To appreciate the expressive and significant values of the plastic images of
our environment.
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