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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13188 Health Education - Three-year degree in Hearing disabilities and Language Educa

Faculty of Teacher Training
Methodology of experimental and social sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
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· AA.VV.. (1987): Tendencias actuales en educación sanitaria. Barcelona. Cuadern CAPS (Centre d'análisis i programes sanitaris). nº 8.
· AA.VV: (1992): La alimentación. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Inst. Nac. de Consumo. (col. Material didáctico).
· ALCÁNTARA, J.A. (1993): Cómo educar la autoestima. Barcelona: Ceac (Aula práctica).
· ALTABLE, CH. (1991). Penélope o las trampas del amor. Por una coeducación sentimental. Madrid: Ed,. Mare Nostrum. (col. Fórum Didáctico).
· ALVAREZ MARTÍN M.N. y ALVAREZ GUERIDIAGA, L,M. (1987): 100 talleres de consumo. Madrid: Ministerios de Sanidad y Consumo. Instituto Nacional de Consumo.
· ALVAREZ, C.M. (1988): Almarabú. Cuaderno del a


BASIS: Current concept of Health and Illness THEORETICAL: Traditional illnesses and current factors of risk.
· Importance and necessity of the Education for Health.
· Attitudes and behaviours. How to get healthy behaviours?. The self-esteem.
Importance of the environment.
· The EfH in the School. Transversality. Concretion of a curriculum. A
didactic proposal.
· The healthy School and the Promoter of Health.

HYGIENE: The locomotive system. Postural hygiene. The physical exercise.
PERSONAL: The organs of senses. Corporal hygiene.
· The factors of risk of the next means (domestic animals, water, air,
etc.). Environmental hygiene. Vaccines.

FEEDING: Anatomy and physiology of nutrition systems,
And NUTRITION circulation and excretion.
· Myths and errors of feeding.
· Foods and nutritious
· The diet: a balance problem.

BALANCE: The nervous and hormonal system.
PERSONAL: Anatomy and physiology of the reproduction.
· Growth, development and maturation.
· Sexuality as affective dimension.
· Leisure and free time. Activity and rest

STYLES OF LIFE: Factors that intervenes in lifestyles.
HEALTHY: The consumer society. Fashion and Publicity.
· The p