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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13184 General Didactics - Three-year degree in Infant Education

Faculty of Teacher Training
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
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ABASCAL FERNANDEZ, J. y otros (1988) El currículum Fundamentación y modelos: el modelo Ecológico. Málaga. Ed. Innovare.
ADELL, M.A. (2002) Estrategias para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los adolescentes. Madrid. Edit. Pirámide.
AEBLI, H.(1991) Factores de la enseñanza que favorecen el aprendizaje autónomo. Madrid Ed.Narcea
AINSCOW, M (2.001) Crear condiciones para la mejora del trabajo en el aula. Manual para la formación del profesorado. Madrid. Ed:Narcea.
ALLEN, D (comp.. ) (2.000) La evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes : Una herramienta para el desarrollo profesional de los docentes. Barcelona. Edit, Paidós. ALONSO TAPIA J. Y CATURLA FITA E. (1998) La motivación en el aula. Madrid. Edit. PPC.
General Didactics programme
The subject General Didactics is of core character and it has nine
credits in the current plan of studies of Teaching. It goes guided to provide a solid theoretical-practice formation to the future teaching
of Infantile and Primary Education levels. It will be developed through the one
following program:

Compulsory character
Programming of a didactic unit and development of a school day.
Optional character
ň elaboration of a monographic paper in team and it exposure in class.
ň Reading and critical review of bibliography related to the syllabus.
ň Making, analysis and application of didactic material at centroaula level
ň Summary analysis and exhibition of news, facts,... that have
relationship with the subject.
ň Visit to a center and classroom. Assessment:
The assessment will have continuous character for those students that have
regular attendance to class.
1. - The pupil will have continous assessment throuhout the year, and a final test.
Students with irregular class attendance
will contact the teacher in the first fortnight
to create a plan substituting the continous evaluation. The
It will be an objective and/or partially objective test.
2. - Activities and works proposed daily in class. The tools will be