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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8340 Pharmacognosy - Five-year degree in Pharmacy

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theoretical and practical courses. Practical sessions are programmed in small groups.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
* R.R. Paris, et al., "Précis de Matière Médicale", Vol. I (1976), II (1981), III (1971), Masson.
* L. Bézanger-Beauquesne, et al., "Les plantes dans la thérapeutique moderne", 2a ed., 1986; y,
"Plantes Médicinales des régions tempérées", 1990, Maloine.
* H. Wagner, "Pharmazeutische Biologie: Drogen und ihre Inhaltsstoffe", 1985, G.F.Verlag.
* G.E. Trease y W.C. Evans, "Farmacognosia", 13 ed., 1991, Baillière Tindall.
To get a general knowledge on the appropriated methods to localise, cultivate, harvest and store each of the plant organs that will be destined to obtain drugs.
To rationalise the best methods of extraction and purification of the active principles of a given crude drug, and then be able to take profit of the spectroscopic technology to identify the main kind of natural products.
To discuss on the biosynthetic road leading to the structure of a given molecule.
To know which are the morphological, chemical, analytical, and pharmacological properties of the crude drugs which, according to their therapeutical interest, are considered of the highest importance.
To open a wide perspective on the development of the biotechnological research on drugs of microbiological origin, such as antibiotics, natural immunosupressants or recombinant proteins