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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13155 Oral Medicine - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Theory: Lectures and seminars. Clinical practical sessions in the Odontological clinic in the General hospital
Met. Avaluació
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· García-Rodríguez, J. A. y Picazo, J.J. (eds) (1996).- Microbiología Médica. Mosby. Madrid. 2 tomos.
· Pumarola, A., Rodríguez-Torres, A., García-Rodríguez, J. A. y Piedrola-Angulo, G. (1988).- Microbiología y Para-sitología Médica. 2ª ed. Salvat Editores. Barcelona.

· Liébana Ureña, J. (ed) (1995).- Microbiología Oral. Interamericana McGraw-Hill. Madrid.


Theory program

Part I General Microbiology

1. - Microbiology. -

2. - Host-parasite relationship. -

3. - Controlling microbial life. -

4. - General virology I. -

5. - General virology II. -

6. - General bacteriology I. -

7. - General bacteriology II. -

8. - General bacteriology IV. -

9. - General bacteriology V. -

10. - General micology I. -

11. - General micology II. -

12. - General protozoology. -

Part II Immunology

13. - Introduction. - Historical evolution and basic concepts. Immune response.

14. - Antigens and immunogens. -

16. - Complement system. -.

17. - Antigen-antibody reaction . -

18. - Greater histocompatibility complex (CMH). -

19. - Cellular interactions and cellular regulation. -

20. - Regulation of the immune response.

21. - Immunology of infections. -

Part III Systematic Microbiology

22. - Bacteriology I. - Study of coccoid grampositive bacteria of odontological interest. Special study of Streptococcus mutans.

23. - Bacteriology II. - Study of the genus Haemophilus, Actinobacillus,
Capnocytophga and Eikenella.

24. - Bacteriology III. - Study of the anaero-bias gramnegative bacteria. <