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12947 Industrial and Environmental Inorganic Chemistry - Five-year degree in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory and practical classes
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Industrial inorganic chemistry
W. Büchner et al
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weunheim, Alemania, 1989
Inorganic chemistry
T. W. Swaddle
Academic Press, San Diego, 1997
Industrial Ecology
R. U. Ayres y L. W. Ayres
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1996
Chemistry of the Elements
N. N. Greenwood y A. Earnshaw
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984
Métodos de la Industria Química Parte 1.- Inorgánica
Editorial Reverté, Barcelona, 1967
An introduction to Industrial Chemistry, 3 edición
Editor Alan Heaton
Blackie Academic&Professional, London, 1996
The chemical industry, 2 edición
Editor Alan Heaton
Blackie Academic&Professional, London, 1994
Topic1. - Introduction
Topic2. - Sulphates: sulfuric acid
Topic3. - Sodium and chlorine: chlorine-alkali processes
Topic4. - Nitrogen and phosphorous: ammonia and phosphoric acid
Topic5. - Iron and steel
Topic6. - Aluminum
Topic7. - Copper
Topic8. - Cement
Topic9. - industrial Ecology
To provide a general vision of history, functions and the environmental impacts of the main inorganic chemical industries.
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