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12935 Advanced Physical Chemistry - Five-year degree in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theory and practical classes
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
*P.W. Atkins
"Fisicoquímica", 3ª ed. (trad. 3ª ed. inglesa, 1986), Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 1991.
"Química Física", 6ª ed. Ed. Omega, 1999.

I.N. Levine
"Fisicoquímica", 3ª ed. (trad. 3ª ed. inglesa), McGraw-Hill, 1991.
"Fisicoquímica", 4ª ed. (trad. 4ª ed. inglesa), McGraw-Hill, 1996.

R.A. Alberty y R.J. Silbey
"Physical Chemistry", John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

K.G. Vemulapalli
"Physical Chemistry", Prentice Hall, 1993.

M. Díaz Peña y A. Roig Muntaner
"Química Física", Alhambra, 1972, Vol. 1.

R.S. Berry, S.A. Rice y J. Ross
"Physical Chemistry", John Wiley, 1980

G.W. Castellan
"Fisicoquímica", 2ª ed (trad. 3ª ed. inglesa, 1983), Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 1987.

R.G. Morti

Thermodynamic statistics, unbalanced systems, surface phenomena and polymers.


Topic 1. Thermodynamic Statistic
Statistical mechanics. Canonical collectives and functions of partition. Function of molecular partition. Functional partition of an ideal gas. Thermodynamic magnitudes of an ideal gas.

Topic 2. Thermodynamic Statistics of Real Systems.
Functions of classic partition. Intermolecular forces . Gases: Virial equations. Solids: heating capacity. Liquids: correlation function.

Topic 3. Kinetic Theory of Gases
Introduction: basic hypothesis. Speed distribution . Speeds media. Distribution of energy. Collisions with walsl: effusion. intermolecular collisions : free media.

Topic 4. Phenomena of Transport
Phenomenanolgical Laws : thermal conductivity of gases , viscosity of gases, diffusion. Phenomena of transport in a rigid sphere gas. Second law of Fick: diffusion equation. Brownian Movement . Diffusion in liquids: equations of Langevin,Stokes-Einstein and Einstein.

Topic 5. Molecular Kinetics
Theory of collisions of rigid spheres for reactions in the gas phase. Surfaces of potential energy. Molecular dynamics of reaction. Theory of the activated compounds to achieve reactions between ideal gases. Thermodynamic formulation of TCA. Unimolecular y trimolecular reactions. Dissolvement reactions.

Topic 6. The Study of Interfac