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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12895 Physical Chemistry Laboratory I - Five-year degree in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Individual and group work.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Cuadernillo de prácticas.
The module LABORATORY OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I is an experiment based module whose content, treatment and qualification are independent of those of any other module. The objectives are two-fold.
(1) to show the procedures that allow the quantitative study of a chemical or chemico-physic nature. by means of the measure of chemical properties. To determine a magnitude quantitatively, this must come accompanied by an estimate of the error made in the measure of the diverse properties used in their determination. Therefore the necessary treatment of errors will be developed both accidental and systematic, for the estimatation of the error made in diverse measures.

(2) to train the student in:
- The handling of material of the Physical Chemisty Laboratory.
- The completion of the most frequent operations in a laboratory of Physical Chemistry.
- The completion of experiments in some of the most important areas of Physical Chemistry.
- The analysis of the obtained results and the deduction of logical conclusions based on the concepts already acquired.
- The elaboration of a laboratory reports.

Practicals available among those that intend to study
1)Conductometric determination of the constant speed of the kinetics of saponification .
2)Conductometric determination of the constant ionization of a weak electrolyte (acetic acid).
3)Determination of the activity coefficient of ionic