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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12879 Physical Chemistry Fundamentals - Five-year degree in Biochemistry

Faculty of Biological Sciences
Physical Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory and practical classes
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
A.- Manuales de Química Física. 01.- Alberty, R.A. y Silbey, R.J., "Physycal Chemistry", Wiley, N. York, 1992. 02.- Atkins, P.W., "Fisicoquímica", 3ª Edición, Addison.Wesley Iberoamericana, Wilmington, 1991. 03.- Atkins, P.W., "Química Física", 6ª edición, Ediciones Omega, S.A., 1998. Trad. Al castellano por B.L÷eb Lüschow y M.A. Ríos Fernández. 04.- Barrow, G.M., "Química Física", 6ª Edición, Reverté, Barcelona, 1988, Traducción al castellano por S.Senent. 05.- Berry, R.S., Rice, A.S. y Ross, J., "Physical Chemistry", (3 vol.), Wiley, N.York, 1980. 06.- Castellán, G.W., "Fisicoquímica", Addison.Wesley Iberoamericana, Wilmington, 1990. Trad. Al castellano por M. Costas Basín y M.A. C. Amador Bedolla.
Theory program:

Topic 1. Formal Chemical Kinetics.
- Introduction. - Expression of the speed of chemical reactions. - The
laws of speed. - The reaction mechanism. - Relationship between mechanism and the laws
of speed: Balance hypothesis. Stationary state. - Factors that
influence specific speeds. - The study of reactions that follow a certain
order: First order reactions. Any order reactions.
- The study of complex reactions: Serial reactions.
Competitive reactions. The reactions of balance and first order.

Topic 2. The thermodynamic study of systems of single components.
- Introduction. - Phase and component concepts. . - Conditions of balance.
material. - The rules of phases. - Behavior of chemical potential when subjected to
pressure and temperature. - pressure-temperature diagrams. - The Calpeyron equation.

Topic 3. Non- electrolytic dissolutions (I).
- Introduction. - Activity of dissolved components . - The
activity coefficient. - Agreements, scales and reference states. -
Partial molar properties. - Determination of molar magnitudes
. - Thermodynamic properties of mixtures: Thermodynamic conditions of
miscibility. - Thermodynamic properties of excess: Calculation starting from gE.

Topic 4. Non-electrolytic dissolutions. (II).
- Common properties . - The Gibbs-Duhem equation. - Margules equation.
- Met