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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12879 Physical Chemistry Fundamentals - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Physical Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory and practical classes
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
A.- Manuales de Química Física. 01.- Alberty, R.A. y Silbey, R.J., "Physycal Chemistry", Wiley, N. York, 1992. 02.- Atkins, P.W., "Fisicoquímica", 3ª Edición, Addison.Wesley Iberoamericana, Wilmington, 1991. 03.- Atkins, P.W., "Química Física", 6ª edición, Ediciones Omega, S.A., 1998. Trad. Al castellano por B.L÷eb Lüschow y M.A. Ríos Fernández. 04.- Barrow, G.M., "Química Física", 6ª Edición, Reverté, Barcelona, 1988, Traducción al castellano por S.Senent. 05.- Berry, R.S., Rice, A.S. y Ross, J., "Physical Chemistry", (3 vol.), Wiley, N.York, 1980. 06.- Castellán, G.W., "Fisicoquímica", Addison.Wesley Iberoamericana, Wilmington, 1990. Trad. Al castellano por M. Costas Basín y M.A. C. Amador Bedolla.
Theory program:

Topic 1. Formal Chemical Kinetics.
- Introduction. - Expression of the speed of chemical reactions. - The
laws of speed. - The reaction mechanism. - Relationship between mechanism and the laws
of speed: Balance hypothesis. Stationary state. - Factors that
influence specific speeds. - The study of reactions that follow a certain
order: First order reactions. Any order reactions.
- The study of complex reactions: Serial reactions.
Competitive reactions. The reactions of balance and first order.

Topic 2. The thermodynamic study of systems of single components.
- Introduction. - Phase and component concepts. . - Conditions of balance.
material. - The rules of phases. - Behavior of chemical potential when subjected to
pressure and temperature. - pressure-temperature diagrams. - The Calpeyron equation.

Topic 3. Non- electrolytic dissolutions (I).
- Introduction. - Activity of dissolved components . - The
activity coefficient. - Agreements, scales and reference states. -
Partial molar properties. - Determination of molar magnitudes
. - Thermodynamic properties of mixtures: Thermodynamic conditions of
miscibility. - Thermodynamic properties of excess: Calculation starting from gE.

Topic 4. Non-electrolytic dissolutions. (II).
- Common properties . - The Gibbs-Duhem equation. - Margules equation.
- Met