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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12837 Chromatographic Analysis - Five-year degree in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Interactive classes, photocopied dossier, textbooks available at the Campus library. Transparencies (every class) and video (occasionally). Visits to external labs (occasionally).
Met. Avaluació
Written questionary (approximately, 7 questions and a problem, examples are available). The assistance to the classes other activities (as visits to external labs) will be taken into account.
- Guillermo Ramis. Análisis Cromatográfico. 2006-07 edition will be available at the xeriox service of the Campus in January 2007.
- Skoog, West, Holler, Crouch, Fundamentos de Química Analítica, 8th Edition, Ed. Thomson, 2005.
- Other recent books of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis (Rubinson-Rubinson, Willard-Merrit-Dean, etc.).

- Dabrio, Blanch, Cifuentes, Díez Masa, De Frutos, Herráiz, Martínez Castro, Sanz Perucha, Cromatografía y electroforesis en columna, Springer Verlag Ibérica, 2000.
1. Introduction to chromatographic analysis and sample preparation for chromatography.
2. Theory of chromatography.
3. Gas chromatography.
4. High performance liquid chromatography.
5. Ionic chromatography.
6. Capillary electroseparation techniques.
To obtain a global knowledge about the chromatographic techniques, including the their current use in industry, services and administration. To begin the formation as a specialist in analytical separations.
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