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12664 Immunology - Five-year degree in Biochemistry

Faculty of Biological Sciences
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theory lectures - non-compulsory attendance.
Practical/demonstration classes - compulsory attendance.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. Inmunologia. Fundamentos (10ª ED). Roitt, Ivan M. y Delves, Peter J. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2003
2. Inmunología Celular y Molecular (5ª ED). Abbas, Abul K y Lichtman, Andrew H. Ediciones Harcourt S.A., 2003.
3. Inmunología aplicada y técnicas inmunológicas. Sanchez-Perez, Miguel. Editorial Síntesis S.A.
4. Immunobiology (6ª ED). Janeway, Charles y col. Oxford, 2004
5. Immunology (5ª ED). Goldsby, Richard A y col. 2003

Introduction to immunology. Immunogenics, antigens and antibodies. Cellular biology of the leukocytes. Presentation and recognition of the antigens. Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation. Development and control of the immunitary response. Immunopathology and immunotheraphy.
General objectives: Introduction to the cellular and molecular elements that integrate the normal immune response. Description of the dynamic processes implied in the maturity and regulation of the normal immunitary phenomena. Introduction to the main pathological phenomena derived from a malfunction or an excessive reaction of the immunitary response. Introduction to the basic aspects of the methods in immunological analysis
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