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12618 Biology of Plant Species Conservation - Five-year degree in Biology

Faculty of Biological Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Non-obligatory theory classes and obligatory practical classes.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Aguilella, A., Carretero, J. L., Figuerola, R. & G. Mateo (198) Libro de las especies endÈmicas, raras i amenazadas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Generalitat Valenciana.
Frankel, O., Brown, A. H. D. & J. J. Burdon (1995) The conservation of plant diversity. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Given, D. R. (1994) Principles and practice of plant conservation.Chapman & Hall. London.
Gmez-Campo, C. (1985) Plant conservation in the mediterranean area. Dr. Junk Publ.
Introduction to Biodiversity. Evaluation of biodiversity. Extinction. Introduction to exotic species, fitoplantología and overexploitation. Habitat fragmentation. Rarity of the species. Conservation in situ. Management and recovery plans. Active management techniques. Concept of protected area. Design and management of protected areas Habitat restoration.

Give the students the basic knowledge on the problem of plant biodiversity conservation and introduce them to the basic techniques for its evaluation, conservation and restoration.