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12615 Cellular Biology - Five-year degree in Biology

Faculty of Biological Sciences
Cellular Biology and Parasitology
Lecturers in charge
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Non obligatory theory classes. Obligatory practical classes.
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see attached document
Alberts, B., D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts y J.D. Watson. (2002). ôMolecular biology of the cellö. 4th., Garland Pub.
Becker, W. M., Kleinsmith, L. J. and J. Hardin (2000). ôThe World of the Cell.ö Fourth Edition. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.
Lodish, H., A. Berk, L. Zipursky, P. Matsudaira, D. Baltimore and J. Darnell. (2002). ôBiología Celular y Molecularö. 4.ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Paniagua, R., M. Nistal, P. Sesma, M. Alvarez-Uria, B. Fraile, R. Anadón, F. J. Sáez, M. Paz de Migual, M. (1999). ôBiología Celularö. 1. ed. McGraw Hill. Interamericana.
Introduction and study techniques. Lipid membranes. Nuclear organization. Compartments, classification of proteins and vesicular transit. Mitochondria and chloroplast. PEROXISOMAS. Rough endoplasmic reticulum. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Exocytosis. Endocytosis. Cytoskeleton and motility. External interactions.The extracellular matrix . Vegetable cell wall. Cellular unions. Cellular signalling. Cellular adaptation. Cellular cycle. Senescence and cell death. Cellular evolution. Cellular origin and evolution.

The aim of this subject is for the student to acquire an integrated knowledge of the diverse mechanisms implied in cellular function, both from the point of view of the static cell and cellular division. Also the relationship of these with others in pluricellular organisms. This detailed knowledge is necessary for an indepth understanding of the possible interactions in the cellular metabolism.

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