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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12528 History of Chemistry - Five-year degree in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry
History of Science and Documentation
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and workshops.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
BERTOMEU SANCHEZ, J.R.; GARCIA BELMAR, A. (2002), Materiales para la asignatura Historia de la Química, Valencia, ejemplar mecanografiado.
Se recomienda, además, la consulta de alguna de las siguientes dos obras de historia de la química recientemente publicadas:

BENSAUDE-VINCENT, B.; STENGERS, I. (1997), Historia de la química, Madrid, Addison-Wesley,235 p.
BROCK, W.H. (1998), Historia de la química, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 619 p.

Moreover: BASALLA, G. (1991), La evolución de la tecnología, Barcelona, Crítica. (reeditado recientemente en Barcelona, RBA editores, Biblioteca de divulgación científica "Muy Interesante" n. 46, 1994).
BERNAL, J.D. (1967). Historia social de la ciencia. Barcelona. Península. [Existe traducción catalana en la misma editorial].

The subject has as objective to offer a general panorama of the history of chemistry and of chemical engineering amed to students of the first cycle of the licentiate of chemical sciences. We have tried to combine the chronological order with a thematic structuring at the same time which allows, to propitiate the reflection and the discussion around some of the most important topics in the history of the science. The general objectives of the course include the learning of certain elementary contents as well as the history of science as acquisition of a series of abilities related to academic work.